RCCG G.O, Pastor Adeboye Reveals God’s Best Friends

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The General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye has said God’s best friends are the ones close to Him, and who know things about him which no one knows.

According to him, “It may surprise you to know that God has best friends, His  best friend the ones so close to Him, that they know things about Him that no one else knows. 

“They are people with experiential knowledge of Him that most people don’t have. Such people like to talk deeply about how much of God they know because those who haven’t gotten that close to Him will misunderstand them.

Pastor Adeboye who lays claim to be one of God’s best friends, described Abraham as one of God’s best friends who was so close to God that God said He couldn’t do anything significant on earth without first informing him (Genesis 18:17). 

With Biblical reference, he said, “Moses was also one of God’s best friends. He was so close to God that God Himself testified in Numbers 12:8 that He spoke to Moses mouth to mouth and that he beholds His similitude which is translated as ‘form’ in modern English.”

Explaining further, Daddy G. O, as he is affectionately called, said, “John the Beloved was another man who was clearly one of God’s best friends. Of all the people on earth, Jesus decided to tell him all the things that will happen in the end time (Revelation 1:1).

According to highly revered Clergy, all these people had such a close relationship with God that they saw sides of Him that others never saw. They heard things from Him that they never told others and made Him change His mind on several occasions (Genesis 18:24-32, Exodus 32:9-14). 

“Probably the most obvious example is reflected in Jesus relationship with Peter, James and John while He was on earth. Because they were with me Lord Jesus Christ on the mount of transfiguration. They saw His glory  (Matthew 17: 1-2).

“When He went to raise Jairus’ daughter, He allowed only three of them to follow Him, so they saw His resurrection power (Mark 5:35-37). They were so close to Him that they saw Him in His time of distress at the garden of Gethsemane when He was crying for God to take away the cup from Him (Matthew 26:36-39).

” Jesus invited them specially to watch with Him. These three experienced special moments with Jesus Christ that no one else did.

Conclusively, Adeboye said, it is indeed a special honor and privilege to be one of God’s friends. I believe every sincere believer should desire to be in God’s special inner circle of friends

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