Lagos- Ibadan Expressway  Death Trap: “Works Minister Should Effect Safety Measures”

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By Esther Ogundipe

I have the honor to invite the attention of the Honorable Minister to a very serious issue that bothers on the safety and well-being  of the people of Ibadan, especially those living on the Toll gate – lwo road axis of the Lagos- lbadan expressway.  

Sir, this newly rehabilitated expressway that serves both intra and inter – city  purposes, projects a paradox in development. In part, it offers a great relief to travelers  from across the country, plying that road.  By contrast, it presents as a death trap and another source of stress and agony to residents of that axis. 

The Minister  may be well aware that the axis  is a full residential area, from beginning to the end, and completely different from  Lagos- lbadan expressway that  connects the two cities. 

While the Lagos- lbadan (Toll- Gate)  axis could,  to some extent, be managed as inter – city road with little need for pedestrian  bridges and flyovers, the Ibadan city part of the road is a totally different landscape.  

Hence, that axis ought to be developed with necessary physical safeguards  for human safety, to prevent unnecessary deaths, in the course of criss- crossing the road.  

Essentially, the safety of the huge number of residents and local users of that road, demands that pedestrian bridges should have been built at several critical points. 

Unfortunately, this was not the case, hence,  according to  reports, 

several lives have been lost and will potentially be lost if the residents are compelled to continue crossing that expressway on daily basis. 

The young, the elderly, pregnant women  and women with babies are  all subjected to this fatal road crossing.  

Honourable Minister, your tenure in Ebonyin state portrayed  you as a pragmatic  leader and development oriented. I also believe you are citizens – sensitive

 Consequently, I am  appealing  to you  to use your good office to address the above highlighted concern, expeditiously. After all,  the  primary goal of governance is the security, safety, and  welfare of citizens.  

Closely associated to the above is the lack of flyovers to connect residents  to their homes, without having to perform  an  agonizing  10 or more kilometers “travel” before they can make u- turn and drive back to their homes or other situated destinations on that “expressway” . 

 I learned that the few turning points in between that  long  stretch of  road, are temporary  and will eventually be blocked, thus leaving no space for vehicular u – turn. 

Honorable Minister,  going by my  earlier  narratives, that road does not fall into the category of non- residential expressway that should stretch uninterrupted for several kilometers. 

 Global best practices and effective city management demand that the safety and well-being of people should be prioritized across the entire spectrum of state administration and government’s projects.  

Finally Sir, I’d like to state  that the people whose lives are daily endangered  by this road condition, are looking up to you for speedily emplace measures to safeguard their lives.  

Thank you so much, Honorable Minister, for your kind  attention. 

I remain grateful

Esther Ogundipe ( Mrs). 

[email protected]

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