Ekun thrilled by tennis academy

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Nigeria table tennis icon Waidi Ekun has said he is excited over the naming of a tennis academy after him for supervision and development.

The ex international who was the special guest of honour at the Central Council of Ibadan Indigenes (CCII) cultural week final of the table tennis and Ayo olopon competition said he would forever treasure the academy besides spending time and money on it.
Ekun explained that though he is a pensioner earning not more than thirty thousand naira monthly he would strive to make the academy functional and active because he is proud of the honour as an Ibadan man who was honored by his people
He stated that the competition which has twin games embedded into it including Ayo olopon and tennis competition which featured participants at the third place through the final provided an avenue for talent to be showcased .
The table tennis icon who won gold at the event over fifty years ago for Nigeria at the All African Games said that talent abound in the grassroots adding that he would not hesitate to invest his time and resources to ensure that many Waidi Ekun are fished out for harnessing and nurturing.
Ekun noted that the academy activities will not clash or intrude into that of the Oyo state Sports Council pointing out that the more the merrier as there is need for many hands to be on deck to ensure that tennis in Ibadan and Oyo state grows beyond what it is.
He explained that there is no honour greater than the one being bestowed by one’s kit and kin stressing that this is what the CCII has done to him with the naming of the academy after his person.

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