Despite economic challenges, Nigeria’ll rejoice again, CAN tells Christians at Easter

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By Rafiu Agboola, Osogbo

As Christians commemorate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ across the world, Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Ile-Ife chapter has charged Nigerians to be prayerful so as to be able to surmount current economic challenges.

Ile-Ife CAN Chairman, Rev Canon Dr Sam’Leye Onitiju, gave the charge, on Sunday, in a statement issued to congratulate Christians on Easter Celebration.

According to Onitiju in spite of the current economic situation, Christians and Nigerians in general need to be hopeful and prayerful, assuring that the hard time shall surely past and Nigeria will rejoice as a nation.

He said, since the resurrection of Jesus Christ always brings the renewal of hope of eternal life, Nigerians should also be hopeful despite the current economic hardship.

He said: “Calvary greetings to you all in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ whom by HIS resurrection we have the hope of eternal life.

“The resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ usually bring to us the renewal of our hope of eternal life.

“Our Lord Jesus demonstrated His love for human race, he surrendered Himself for the agonizing death on the cross and through His resurrection, salvation was brought to humanity.

“Brethren, let us emulate His love, forgiveness and compassion towards our fellow man.

“Amidst trial, tribulations and the economy hardship in our country, let us come together and pray to God for total deliverance, peace and unity of our dear country.

“This time we pass and we shall rejoice as a nation.

“As Christian let us continue to proclaim the gospel of His resurrection telling the whole world Christ is dead, Christ is risen, Christ will come again.

“This year Easter celebration will bring to you gladness in the greatest sacrifice for humanity through our Lord Jesus Christ. Happy celebration.

“I extend my warmth greetings to you all, wishing you a very joyous celebration”.

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