RCCG General Overseer, Pastor Adeboye speaks consecration, urges Christians to live for God

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By Kunle Yusuf: Lagos

The General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, (RCCG) Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye has admonished christians to live a life of total consecration for God.

According to Pastor Adeboye, who celebrated his 82nd birthday on March 2, 2024, said consecration means being totally surrendered to God. In other words, holding on to Him and Him alone. 

“Unfortunately, a lot of people hold on to Jesus with one hand and hold on to the world with the other. A true child of God will hold firmly unto God and have absolute trust in Him.

 The General Overseer, said:  “how do you explain Christians who claim to have given their all to Christ but still consult witch doctors over challenging situations? Truly, consecrated Christians are ready to go all the way for God. Such people may go through a lot of suffering for the Lord, but they will still count it all joy, as long as God is with them. James 1:2.

Speaking further, the highly revered man of God said  example of consecrated person was Apostle Paul. “He was totally sold out to God, such that even when God warned him about being apprehended in Jerusalem, he still went there to preach the gospel. Acts 21:11-14.

He said consecrated people care about God more than anyone or anything else. His words, “I was watching an interview on Dove Television one day, and the guest said, in the past, all that Christians care about was for God to use them. But nowadays, people are more interested in how they can use God.

Daddy G. O. as he is affectionately called narrated  the story of a missionary, whose action greatly impacted his decision to be consecrated to God. 

“She was serving in an area that was hostile to Christianity. On her wedding day, while she was getting ready, the authorities raided her home and arrested her for preaching the gospel. Instead of crying, she smiled, kissed the handcuffs and said, ” Lord, I didn’t know I was so special to you that you didn’t want to share me with anyone else. How beautiful is your wedding ring to me.”  She was so sold out to God such that while others saw a disaster, she saw the handcuffs as God’s wedding ring to her as His bride.

In conclusion, pastor Adeboye admonished God’s children to be  consecrated to Jesus, quoting Philippians 1:21 as saying, “For me to live is Christ Jesus and to die is gain.”

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